Monday, December 19, 2011

Tag Clutchy

My mom and I were shopping when we came across a little store that sold "tag blankets". My mom and I looked at them and right away we were thinking the same thing, "We could make these ourselves". As soon as we got home we got to work and made about 12 in 90 minutes.

We call ours a "Tag Clutchy". I made this tag to go along with the clutchy so that people can understand the concept of what they are. 

 One side of the clutchy is fleece and the other is flanel. We bought our fleece and flanel at Hobby Lobby. First you cut squares out of both kinds of material. I usually do anywhere between 9x9-12x12. Line them up together and with pinking shears, cut the sides.

Choose the ribbons that you would like to use for your clutchy (make sure that they are different colors and textiles) and cut them in 7 inch strips. You will need at least 12 strips of ribbon. Fold the ribbons in half and pin them in between the two materials like pictured below. Once you have pinned all of your ribbons to the material, sew them together. We just sew once around, but you could do it twice if you would like.

I love the concept of the "tag clutchy", it is something cuddly and comforting, and it can also be a learning tool. My daughter who was 3 months in the picture below, loves to play with her tag clutchy! She likes to hold the ribbons and put the fleece and flanel against her cheeks. It is a great gift for babies and children up to the age of 2, maybe even a little older.  Whenever I go to a baby shower, I always include a "tag clutchy" to the gift!

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Sassy Skirts

 My mom and I made these skirts for my little girl. We bought little boy jean shorts that were on clearance for $1.99. We cut the shorts straight across at the crotch and pulled the strings at the bottom to make it look a little distressed. We then cut the tulle and gathered together. You will have to mess around with how many layers you want of tulle. I like more layers! You will have to make the length of the tulle about 3x longer than then the diameter of the skirt to get the proper gathered look.
You then sew the tulle to the skirt. To cover the seam made from sewing the tulle to the skirt, we sewed rick rack over it. After you have done the tulle, it is time to be creative! You can add a bow, buttons, crystals, or embroidery. You can be as creative as you want!! Go crazy!

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Hospital Survival Kit

My sister-in-law is having a baby on Tuesday. I wanted to do something for her before she went in. Just recently having a baby myself, I know that there are some items that the hospital does not provide. I got this idea off of Pinterest which led me to a blog. The blog allows you to download the Hospital Survival Kit label, which I used, or you could make your own label.

I chose to put the following items in my kit: Shampoo, Conditioner, Mouth Wash, Loofah, Facial Wipes, Mints, Gum, Candy Bar, Cookies, Granola Bar, Magazine, and a Movie. You could fill your kit with numerous items. Put all of your goodies in a bag of your choice. Top it off with some tissue paper and your Hospital Survival Kit is complete!